
Output profiles are used to define how generated HTML content should look like. For example, when you expand br abbreviation, Emmet may produce one of the following tag:

Emmet tries to automatically detect output profile for current document. For example, if a document contains XHTML doctype, it will use xhtml profile, html otherwise.

But sometimes you’d like to force Emmet to use another profile for specified syntax or use your own profile with specific rules.

In this case, you should create syntaxProfiles.json file in extensions folder and specify profile for a required syntax.

The content of this file is a simple key–value dictionary where the key is the syntax name as defined in snippets.json and the value is a name of predefined profile (String) or a dictionary with profile options (Object):

    // force XHTML profile for HTML syntax
    "html": "xhtml",

    // create our own profile for XML
    "xml": {
        "tag_case": "upper",
        "attr_quotes": "single"

Predefined profiles

Create your own profile

You can specify a dictionary with the following keys to create your own output profile:

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